Canva Email Signature Template | N003
With our Email Signature Template, you can create a professional and eye-catching email signature that will leave a lasting impression on your recipients.
It’s perfect for small businesses, freelancers, or anyone looking to add a touch of professionalism and personality to their emails. So, go ahead and make your email signature stand out with our easy-to-use Canva template!
These templates are fully editable allowing you to change the colours, fonts, images and logos as required.
Erth Co. template at sized at 600x200px.
While Gmail automatically displays it large, you can easily adjust the size to "Medium" or "Small" within the settings for a more balanced look.
Return Policy
Due to the digital nature of our products, we are unable to offer refunds or returns. Once you download the Templates, they are yours to keep and use forever.
However, if you have any problems with your Templates, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you troubleshoot any issues.
Here are some additional details about our return policy:
- We cannot customize the template for you.
By purchasing a Template, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this Return Policy.